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Our pillbug and sowbug control targets damp basements and other areas so these pests have nowhere to hide.

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Leave Pillbug And Sowbug Control To Terminix Canada

Your home is no place for pillbugs and sowbugs so get rid of these humpbacked crustaceans for good with Terminix Canada pillbug and sowbug control. More similar to shrimp and crayfish than insects, they’re often called roly poly bugs due to their bodies appearing like segmented armour. Pillbugs and sowbugs inhabit dark and damp areas of your home like basements.

Pillbug and sowbug infestations occur in homes since these pests feed on organic material. Attracted to mulch, leaves and other plants in your yard or by your foundation, these flat, oval creatures are tiny enough to breach properties through doors, windows and other small gaps. Scurrying when disturbed, pillbugs and sowbugs can’t survive for more than a few days without water. This means homeowners often find them dead on the floor.

When you’re wondering how to get rid of pillbugs and sowbugs, turn to Terminix Canada. Equipped with the right tools and expertise to remove both sowbugs and pillbugs, our trained pillbug and sowbug control professionals use industry-leading treatments to rid your home of roly poly bugs for good. Backed by over 90 years of pest control experience, you can trust our team in your home.

Pillbugs And Sowbugs In Canada


Size: 8.5 to 18 mm long (adults).

Colour: Slate grey with body segments resembling armour.

Behaviour: Pillbugs lay dormant throughout the day, hiding under things like flowerpots, rocks and trash. In short, they do this to avoid water loss. Causing destruction to young plants in your backyard, pillbugs are most active at night. When moving from their hiding spots, they’re able to breach homes through tiny cracks and openings.



Size: Around 1.5 cm long.

Colour: Dark slate grey with body segments resembling armour.

Behaviour: Inhabiting moist areas like flowerpots and trash, sowbugs feed on organic matter. Like pillbugs, they don’t harm humans or cause structural damage but they do feed on young backyard plants and breach homes through tiny cracks and openings at night.


Frequently Asked Questions

There are many pillbug and sowbug killers out there. However, these treatments don’t have the same efficacy as a visit from our pillbug and sowbug control professionals. When homeowners do it themselves, they don’t have the same knowledge about pillbug and sowbugs’ hiding spots and where exactly treatment should be applied.

Save yourself the struggle and leave it to Terminix Canada. We’ve been removing nuisance pests like pillbugs and sowbugs for over 90 years. Using industry-leading pillbug and sowbug treatment for effective pillbug and sowbug removal, a visit from our team means you can rest easy again.

The average lifespan of pillbugs and sowbugs is around two years. Both species are generally active from March to September, becoming inactive in colder months.

Fortunately, the presence of pillbugs or sowbugs in your home isn’t a health hazard. Nevertheless, they are still considered a great nuisance. Because they can’t survive for more than a few days without water, dead sowbugs and pillbugs are often found in basements and crawlspaces. In short, pillbug and sowbug control helps homeowners avoid staining when these pests are trodden upon. Pillbugs don’t bite or sting. Ultimately, the only damage they cause is to young plants in your backyard.

Sowbugs and pillbugs are attracted to homes and yards by an abundance of mulch, leaves, and plant life. Feeding on organic material, these pests prefer moist environments. In short, a damp basement provides the perfect conditions for a sowbug or pillbug infestation.

There are many everyday methods of pillbug and sowbug control. These preventative measures include moving woodpiles, organic matter and stones away from your property. In short, creating mulch and leaf-free zones around a home’s foundation is key. Sealing any structural entryways with silicone-based caulk creates an effective barrier while waterproofing basements to reduce dampness is also effective. Lastly, dehumidifying any moist areas of your home is also beneficial too.

When you’re wondering how to get rid of sowbugs in a basement or have pillbugs elsewhere, call Terminix Canada. The best way to get rid of sowbugs and pillbugs is utilizing our reliable treatments. Backed by over 90 years of pest control experience, our team will use their knowledge and expertise to liberate your space again.

How Terminix Canada Pillbug And Sowbug Control Works

Pillbug And Sowbug Inspection

On your initial service, we’ll hunt high and low for pillbugs and sowbugs, documenting our findings in a comprehensive inspection.

Pillbug And Sowbug Defence

We’ll treat the interior and exterior of your home, targeting the areas infested by pillbugs and sowbugs. Outside, we’ll establish an effective perimeter around your property.

Pillbug And Sowbug Monitoring

During ongoing service treatments, we’ll come back to treat outside your home, fortifying the perimeter to keep you protected. Our custom pillbug and sowbug treatments adapt with the seasons to address seasonal pillbug and sowbug activity in your area. This way, you’re protected all year long.

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