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For our bed bug extermination, each bed bug exterminator uses chemical and steam treatments that deeply penetrate the tiniest crevices to ensure proper bed bug control. It’s the best way to get rid of bed bugs.

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Our Bed Bug Extermination Specialists Are Ready to Serve You

Wondering how to get rid of bed bugs in one day? A bed bug cleaning service or bed bug exterminator has to be up for a challenge. Getting rid of bed bugs is tricky. After all, they’re resistant to traditional pesticides. Therefore, for effective bed bug treatment and to remove bed bugs properly, it’s important to use a pest removal company. If you want to know how to get rid of bed bugs fast or how to get rid of bed bugs in one day, you should choose a company with access to newer, advanced bed bug tactics and detection methods. If you’re looking to hire a bed bug cleaning service, you have to make sure they are properly eradicating the pest, not just cleaning up the mess bed bugs leave behind.

At one point, bed bugs were near extinction. Unfortunately, they’re now back in full flight. The number of bed bugs in urban areas has grown to epidemic proportions over the past few years. They can be found almost anywhere that people are. This includes hotels, apartments, dorm rooms, delivery vehicles, dry cleaners, libraries and hospitals. This makes bed bug prevention and bed bug control tricky. If you’ve lost the fight to bed bugs, we are here to help. 

Questioning How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs At Home? 

Each professional bed bug exterminator on the Terminix Canada team responds to bed bug infestations quickly and efficiently. Never trust a DIY bed bug treatment or bed bug control. If you want the best treatment for bed bugs, trust Terminix Canada’s bed bug pest control team. They are backed by over 90 years of experience terminating household pests. If you’re wondering how to get rid of bed bugs fast or what to do if you have bed bugs, the answer is clear. Hire a Terminix Canada bed bug exterminator today. Not only will we eradicate your bed bug pest problem, but we’ll also act as a bed bug cleaning company to ensure the mess is cleaned up. Additionally, we’re here to provide you with the best bed bug prevention tips to keep your house bed bug free in the future. It’s the best way to get rid of bed bugs.

Bed Bugs In Canada

Terminix | Bed Bugs | Common Bugs

Size: 4 to 5 mm long (adults).

Colour: Reddish brown with a darker abdomen if blood has been digested.

Behaviour: Bed bugs undergo a gradual metamorphosis. Their three life stages are egg, nymph and adult. Nymphs are a smaller version of the adult. The female bed bug will lay 200 to 500 eggs in her lifetime, 10 to 50 at any given time, which will lay within 6 to 17 days. Adult bed bugs can survive up to a year without eating.


Frequently Asked Questions

Bed bugs are active from January to December. 

Remember, Terminix Canada has the best treatment for bed bugs so you can liberate your space.

Bed bugs usually bite exposed human skin while we’re sleeping. It’s no wonder you’ve already Googled how to get rid of bed bugs at home! Even though they’re not known to spread disease, bed bugs cause itching leading to sleep loss. Excessive scratching can cause skin damage, which can lead to the chance of a secondary skin infection.

If you suspect you may have a bed bug infestation, you should check your body for bites, as well as small red spots of fecal matter on your bed. Since bed bugs can multiply so rapidly, in as little as six months, one bed bug can lead to a massive problematic infestation with more than 13,000 bed bugs. Instead of wasting time wondering how to get rid of bed bugs yourself, call in the experts to take care of your bed bug infestation. Hiring a Terminix Canada bed bug exterminator can eliminate your bed bug problems for good.

Bed bugs may have been close to extinction many years ago, but they’re now back in full force. They are a common pest all around the world. Between our reduced use of pesticides as a society, an increase in international travel and our use of second-hand furniture, these tiny hitchhikers are able to thrive in our society, no matter how clean or dirty your home is. While they don’t travel around on a person, they can travel very well on belongings or fabrics. This makes bed bug prevention extremely difficult. 

The permanent treatment of bed bugs is difficult, because they can be found in so many places that humans frequent, such as hotels, movie theatres, taxis and more. They are parasitic insects that live near their hosts.

During the day, bed bugs hide in dark undisturbed areas of your home, such as furniture, baseboards, carpets and even wallpaper, making them very hard to spot. The warmth and carbon dioxide that humans emit is what attracts bed bugs to us.

So you want to know how to get rid of bed bugs fast. Firstly, the number one cause of bed bug infestations is previously infected furniture or people. There are a few things you can do to try and keep them out of your home.

If you are buying any second-hand furniture or clothing, make sure you inspect them well before purchasing or bringing these items into your home. Check the seams of the upholstery on furniture for any signs of bed bugs or bed bug fecal matter. Even if it looks good, make sure to give it a good clean before bringing it into your home to be extra careful. Clean it thoroughly with hot soapy water and vacuum any fabric.

If you’re traveling and having to stay in hotel rooms, before you unpack, make sure you check your mattress and sheets for any signs of bed bugs. If you’re wondering how to get rid of bed bugs at home, the answer is hiring a Terminix Canada technician. We have the best treatment for bed bugs so you can sleep easy again. 

If you’re wondering how to get rid of bed bugs yourself, the short answer is, you can’t, especially if you’re looking to get rid of bed bugs in one day. Bed bugs have adapted over the years and become increasingly resistant to traditional pesticides. Learn more about how bed bug infestations are becoming harder to eradicate due to DIY bed bug removal treatments here.

Truthfully, spraying bed bugs isn’t very effective when using DIY or store bought chemicals. Bed bugs are very durable and have evolved to be able to withstand most store-bought sprays, foggers and other aerosols. If applied very carefully, in a way that allows the spray to properly penetrate the spaces that bed bugs hide, you may be successful. If you want to try spraying bed bugs, it’s important to understand that bed bugs can hide in very small crevices, making it very difficult to properly hit them with a spray. That’s why Terminix Canada uses both chemical and heat treatments to effectively rid your home of bed bugs quickly and effectively.

Wondering how much does it cost to remove bed bugs?

Like any professional service, the cost of bed bug extermination varies significantly depending on the size and severity of a bed bug infestation as well as local branch availability. Therefore, it’s impossible to provide one ballpark cost that fits all. In every case, our customized pest control services start with an initial inspection to determine the scope of the bed bug extermination required.

How Terminix Canada Bed Bug Works

Bed Bug Inspection

On your initial service, we’ll hunt high and low for bed bugs and their eggs, documenting our findings in a comprehensive inspection.

Bed Bug Defence

We’ll treat the interior of your home, targeting infested areas to fix your bed bug problem. Using chemical and steam bed bug treatments, these deeply penetrate furniture and reach even the tiniest of crevices, ensuring all bed bugs and eggs are wiped out. It’s the best way to get rid of bed bugs.

Bed Bug Monitoring

With our bed bug control, often only one visit is required, saving you time and money. If you request, we’ll treat inside your home again.

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  • Lokesh Gaur ★★★★★ 4 months ago
    Terminix amazing service and very professional. They heard all issues and customized treatment as per our issues. Highly recommend their service.
  • Bernie Mutter ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    Very impressed with the level of service we received. Extremely professional. Sound knowledge of the service provided. Explained the work outline clearly.
  • Ayse Nida Kurekci ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    Gage and Marshall were extremely helpful and kind! Very fun to talk to and they’re efficient with their work. We’re very happy with our balcony netting!

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