Termites become the biggest issue for many people come summertime. Once the weather warms up, underground termite colonies come out to feed on wood sources that they couldnât access during the winter, causing termite damage to your deck and other outdoor areas.
One of the sections of your home that is most vulnerable to termite damage is actually your deck. All that wood right out in the open is just asking for trouble if termites are around. Think about it this way, your wooden deck is practically an open buffet for those buggers!
If youâve determined that your deck is suffering from termite damage, itâs crucial that you take the necessary steps to eradicate the termites as soon as possible. Termites arenât just an annoyance, but can actually cause serious, costly damage to your deck and home. Because once theyâve made their home in your deck, thereâs nothing stopping the colony from expanding and invading your home.
Luckily, there are steps you can take to try and ensure your deck doesnât become victim to termites this summer. The below tips will help to prevent termite damage to your deck. Has the damage already occurred? We will also help you find the best termite treatment available near you.
1. Preventing Termite Damage
If you are looking to avoid a termite infestation on your deck in the first place, you have to understand that itâs not a one and done solution. You will have to take on care, regular maintenance of your deck. Untended decks that suffer damage from dry rot and/or UV rays will accrue openings that termites can easily enter and enlarge for their colony to live in.
Keep Up With Regular Maintenance
If your budget allows for it, itâs a good idea to paint your deck every two years. By this, we mean that you should take the time and effort to apply a complete coat of wood sealer specifically made for your deckâs type of wood. The upside of this prevention technique is that even if you donât have the threat of termites nearby, itâll prolong the life of your deck, keeping it looking new for longer. If you happen to spot any damage on your deck in the period between these two years, use your leftover wood sealer to quickly fix those some holes or cracks in the wood.
Keep Deck Dry
Stagnant water also serves as a beacon for termites, as wet wood is much more appealing to them then dry wood. To avoid puddles from forming on your deck, try not to place any heavy planters or other decoration or equipment that may form an indent in the wood. On top of that, you can keep a gap underneath your deck to help facilitate good airflow, which will help your deck dry quicker after rainfall or power washing.
Pick Termite Resistant Wood
If you donât yet have a deck built and are still in the research stages, then itâs a good thing you stumbled on this article! There are certain steps that you can take in the building process to help dissuade termites. Selecting the proper materials when beginning to build your deck can help keep it termite free. Hardwoods and pressure-treated woods are harder for termites to penetrate, and quite simply donât taste as good to them. Many of these woods are also specially treated with withstand other harsh conditions that may age your deck quicker, such as rain and heat.
Place Deterrents Around Your Deck
Hopefully your deck is made out of materials termites donât like, as we previously stated above. However, if thatâs not the case, you can still deter termites from entering your yard. Place treated cedar mulch or sand around your deck. Itâs easier to maintain than grass is, and will help to keep termites away.
2. How To Identify Termite Damage On A Deck
Identifying termite damage to a deck is actually a lot harder than it sounds. For one thing, termites are subterranean by inclination. This means that theyâll burrow into the wood from underneath, leaving almost no visible damage to the surface of your deck.
What this means is that you need to get a little creative to determine if damage has been done. Tap along the wood of your deck to check for hollow areas. Once you hear a clear sound of hollowness in your wood, you should cut off the surface of the deck plank to check what is underneath.
If you notice a pattern of damage along the wood grain, that almost certainly means that you have a termite infestation. In this situation, you need to do something about your termite infestation, right now. You must take immediate measures to eradicate the termites. Termite damage can accumulate quickly and have serious consequences to the structural integrity of your deck or home.
Other signs of termite damage you can look out for include:
- small holes
- damaged wood that crumbles easily
- piles of dropping that can be spotted outside of their tunnels
3. Finding The Best Termite Treatment
The good news is help is here! Terminix Canada has helped thousands of households enjoy summertime fun without worrying about their deck collapsing beneath them from excessive termite damage. Our expert exterminators provide the best termite treatment measures across Canada. It would be our pleasure to help eradicate your termite troubles.
To learn more about Terminix Canadaâs termite treatment plans and how to prevent termite damage to your deck, contact your local Terminix Canada. We have offices located all across Canada. Give us a call today to get started on effective and affordable termite treatment.