Tag Archives: termite control

Why You Need Pool Pest Control In The Summer – 5 Swimming Pool Maintenance Tips

Many people take pest control seriously in the summer, but what about pool pest control? If you have a pool, you know there’s nothing quite as disheartening as putting on your bathing suit and going out for a swim, just to discover a layer of dead flies floating on the surface of your pool

Pool pest control is a very important, but it’s often an under-discussed aspect of swimming pool maintenance. However, without proper pool pest control, your watery retreat could quickly turn into a petri dish of microorganisms and disease.

You should know that no matter what you do, you’ll end up with the occasional bug in your pool. Just like humans, bugs and other animals are attracted to water on a hot day, and your pool is the tall drink of water that appeals to them.

To prevent that from happening, here are some swimming pool maintenance tips to help you achieve effective pool pest control this summer.

Cover Your Pool When Not In Use For Easy Pool Pest Control

Here is the easiest tip you can employ for proper pool pest control – cover your pool when not in use. By covering your pool when not in use, you’ll be able to easily keep many pests and other dirt and mess out of the water, such as leaves, branches and pollen. This will help minimize the time you spend cleaning your pool, as well as preserving optimal water temperatures, keeping your pool nice and clean for impromptu swims or unexpected guests.

Make Sure To Keep Up With Regular Cleanings Using Proper Chemicals

Periodically treating your pool with chlorine, bromine sanitizers and algaecides are pre-requisites for pool maintenance. It’s also important to skim the pool daily to remove waste floating on the pool, such as leaves, bugs, grass and algae. All of these things can contribute to microorganisms growing in the pool, providing organic material that pests like to feed on. Not to mention, if you have leaves floating on your pool, you’re providing little life boats for bugs to land on, allowing them to safely drink from your pool.

Keep Your Garden Separate From Your Pool For Optimal Pool Pest Control

If you consider your backyard to be your own summer oasis, then the odds are, it can be an attractive oasis for bugs and critters as well. Water, vegetation and light are all things that pests love, just like we do.

If your garden is close to your pool, then it’s a very small leap for pests to go from food to water. By keeping your plants a few feet away from your pool, you’ll have better luck keeping pests out. This includes pests who don’t mean to seek out water, but simply fall into the pool.

If you really want greenery close by the pool, you can. Just be selective about what you plant. Certain plans such as bay leaves, rosemary, marigolds and mint all act as a natural bug deterrent, keeping bugs away.

Pool Lighting Can Attract Bugs

Bugs like lights – anyone with an outdoor light near their door knows that. This extends to any other lights you may use to illuminate your backyard at night. If possible, position all of your lights at least 9 metres or more from your pool. If that’s not possible, you can also look into in pool lighting options, to keep the pool bright enough for swimming at night, without providing warmth to pests.

Be On The Lookout For Ants And Termites

Like all animals, insects are attracted to water, but the pests you really need to be worried about are ants and termites. Both of these nefarious critters will burrow through the vinyl lining in order to get a drink of the good stuff. Unfortunately, in doing so they will cause borderline unrepairable damage to your pool both structurally and also because their drowned carcasses can and will overload your pool filter.

To avoid this headache, you simply need to make use of normal home pest control and residential pest control services to keep these pests off your property entirely. However, home pest control works best when you call it in early, so always be on the lookout for preliminary signs of infestation.

For the top residential pest control available, call Terminix Canada today. Providing affordable pest removal solutions all over Canada and backed by 90 years of experience, we can provide fast, effective home pest control that will keep your swimming pool clear of pests!

The Best Ways To Keep Your Deck Safe From Termite Damage

Termites become the biggest issue for many people come summertime. Once the weather warms up, underground termite colonies come out to feed on wood sources that they couldn’t access during the winter, causing termite damage to your deck and other outdoor areas.

One of the sections of your home that is most vulnerable to termite damage is actually your deck. All that wood right out in the open is just asking for trouble if termites are around. Think about it this way, your wooden deck is practically an open buffet for those buggers!

If you’ve determined that your deck is suffering from termite damage, it’s crucial that you take the necessary steps to eradicate the termites as soon as possible. Termites aren’t just an annoyance, but can actually cause serious, costly damage to your deck and home. Because once they’ve made their home in your deck, there’s nothing stopping the colony from expanding and invading your home.

Luckily, there are steps you can take to try and ensure your deck doesn’t become victim to termites this summer. The below tips will help to prevent termite damage to your deck. Has the damage already occurred? We will also help you find the best termite treatment available near you.

1. Preventing Termite Damage

If you are looking to avoid a termite infestation on your deck in the first place, you have to understand that it’s not a one and done solution. You will have to take on care, regular maintenance of your deck. Untended decks that suffer damage from dry rot and/or UV rays will accrue openings that termites can easily enter and enlarge for their colony to live in.

Keep Up With Regular Maintenance

If your budget allows for it, it’s a good idea to paint your deck every two years. By this, we mean that you should take the time and effort to apply a complete coat of wood sealer specifically made for your deck’s type of wood. The upside of this prevention technique is that even if you don’t have the threat of termites nearby, it’ll prolong the life of your deck, keeping it looking new for longer. If you happen to spot any damage on your deck in the period between these two years, use your leftover wood sealer to quickly fix those some holes or cracks in the wood.

Keep Deck Dry

Stagnant water also serves as a beacon for termites, as wet wood is much more appealing to them then dry wood. To avoid puddles from forming on your deck, try not to place any heavy planters or other decoration or equipment that may form an indent in the wood. On top of that, you can keep a gap underneath your deck to help facilitate good airflow, which will help your deck dry quicker after rainfall or power washing.

Pick Termite Resistant Wood

If you don’t yet have a deck built and are still in the research stages, then it’s a good thing you stumbled on this article! There are certain steps that you can take in the building process to help dissuade termites. Selecting the proper materials when beginning to build your deck can help keep it termite free. Hardwoods and pressure-treated woods are harder for termites to penetrate, and quite simply don’t taste as good to them. Many of these woods are also specially treated with withstand other harsh conditions that may age your deck quicker, such as rain and heat.

Place Deterrents Around Your Deck

Hopefully your deck is made out of materials termites don’t like, as we previously stated above. However, if that’s not the case, you can still deter termites from entering your yard. Place treated cedar mulch or sand around your deck. It’s easier to maintain than grass is, and will help to keep termites away.

2. How To Identify Termite Damage On A Deck

Identifying termite damage to a deck is actually a lot harder than it sounds. For one thing, termites are subterranean by inclination. This means that they’ll burrow into the wood from underneath, leaving almost no visible damage to the surface of your deck.

What this means is that you need to get a little creative to determine if damage has been done. Tap along the wood of your deck to check for hollow areas. Once you hear a clear sound of hollowness in your wood, you should cut off the surface of the deck plank to check what is underneath.

If you notice a pattern of damage along the wood grain, that almost certainly means that you have a termite infestation. In this situation, you need to do something about your termite infestation, right now. You must take immediate measures to eradicate the termites. Termite damage can accumulate quickly and have serious consequences to the structural integrity of your deck or home.

Other signs of termite damage you can look out for include:

  • small holes
  • damaged wood that crumbles easily
  • piles of dropping that can be spotted outside of their tunnels

3. Finding The Best Termite Treatment

The good news is help is here! Terminix Canada has helped thousands of households enjoy summertime fun without worrying about their deck collapsing beneath them from excessive termite damage. Our expert exterminators provide the best termite treatment measures across Canada. It would be our pleasure to help eradicate your termite troubles.

To learn more about Terminix Canada’s termite treatment plans and how to prevent termite damage to your deck, contact your local Terminix Canada. We have offices located all across Canada. Give us a call today to get started on effective and affordable termite treatment.

Queen Victoria, Ants And Termite Extermination: What Do They Have In Common?

No, our blog title isn’t a spoof – there truly is a link between Queen Victoria, ants and termite extermination. Sure, we don’t take days off to commemorate insect queens like we do for our human monarchs of old. However, there are a number of uncanny similarities between the two!

For starters, ants, termites and Queen Victoria are rulers of their colonies, and they both oversee the comings and goings of their respective civilizations. Furthermore, there are several other factoids about both Queen Victoria and queen ants that we bet you weren’t aware of.

They Were Both Single Mothers, And They Were Both Raised By Single Mothers

While a traditional non-traditional household might look more like the house of Queen Victoria (minus the whole Queen of the United Kingdom thing), an ant family has some interesting resemblances as well. After mating with a male, the queen ant is left to raise her some 300,000 eggs on her own.

Of course, we use the term ‘raise’ quite loosely. An ant’s definition of raising a brood mainly consists of the daughters cleaning, feeding and grooming the queen. But still, 300, 000 kids looks quite intimidating on the online dating profile!

Termites Propose To Their Future Kings, As Did Queen Victoria To Prince Albert

Just like human monarchs, termites will often necessitate both a king and a queen termite to govern a colony. Unlike the ant colony where the male ant dies after mating, in the termite community, both the male and female termites have offspring, and govern a colony together. Colonies are founded when a potential queen joins a mating swarm and picks out her most eligible suitor, thus, asking‚ him to join antennae in holy matrimony.

The Ant’s Measure Of Success Is Determined By The Size Of Her Empire

Queen Victoria, much to the envy of all the insects of the Commonwealth, expanded her empire to be the largest of any empire in the history of the world. That is, the largest of both insect and human empires. Similarly, the primary function of an ant colony is to grow their queen’s empire to its fullest capacity.

But it is the inner workings of the ant colony that is most impressive. Ant colonies will maintain a hierarchical structure, where certain ants are responsible for the security and welfare of the queen, while others are responsible for gathering food, and taking over other colonies, thereby expanding the empire. So just like Queen Victoria will have her servants, her soldiers, and her civilians, so will the ants. Well, sort of.

There Were Numerous Assassination Attempts On Queen Victoria

Unbeknownst to most, there were quite a number of assassination attempts on Queen Victoria’s life. In 1840, an 18-year-old named Edward Oxford was the first of seven people who tried to assassinate Queen Victoria. In 1842, a fellow called John Francis tried twice to kill her, and failed both times. Also in 1842, John William Bean took a shot at it (no pun intended). And then there were two more, one in 1849, and one in 1850. Not that you were looking for one, but if you needed to hire a private assassin, you may want to steer clear of these guys!

In the same way, you shouldn’t have to call your ant or termite extermination pro back to finish the job they were supposed to have finished in the first place. That’s why it’s always beneficial to choose your pest control provider carefully. You should be paying for quality customized pest control like the kind Terminix Canada provides.

So what is the similarity between Queen Victoria and the insect queens? That far too many times, under-qualified people have tried and failed to bring down particular empires, and we don’t want the same thing to happen to you.

Leave Ant And Termite Extermination To The Professionals At Terminix Canada

At the end of the day, it takes an organized army to bring down an empire. That is what our ant and termite extermination pros do. Is your home overrun by ants or termites? Terminix will protect it with a plan that works for you. For our ant and termite extermination services, please book a free consultation with us today.

The Entomological Society Of America Now Classifies Termites As Cockroaches

Most people really hate cockroaches, and who could blame them. Most people also aren’t very fond of termites, but normally that’s the only thing that groups these two pesky pests together.

Until now.

In the biggest reclassification (not really) since International Astronomical Union (IAU) deemed Pluto wasn’t deserving of a planetary title, termites have now been deemed cockroaches.

Termites Are The New Cockroach

No, really. According to the Entomological Society of America in their updated master list of insect names, termites are the new cockroach. Recategorizing the termite order is backed by many decades of genetic evidence that the wood chippers should be part of the cockroach order, Blattodea.

Since the 30’s, gossip of termites getting lumped into the cockroach order has exists. It was back then that researchers first discovered that the microbes in termite guts are also present in wood-eating cockroaches. Weird coincidence, right?

As technology has advanced and the genealogical relationship kinks were ironed out, so began the argument that termites are simply a part of the hydra-like family tree of cockroaches. The first suggestion of reclassification came from termite biologist Paul Eggleton of the Natural History Museum in London. In his study, Death Of An Order, published in 2007, positioned termites on the tree near the Cryptocercus cockroach.

Chemical ecologist and cockroach enthusiast Coby Schal at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina, has stated that termites are nothing but social cockroaches. For example, Macrotermes termite colonies can grow to three million strong, fairly easily. This despite them having just a single queen and king.

Deciding whether to demote the entire termite order was an unusual conundrum, says Whitney Cranshaw of Colorado State University in Fort Collins. He was a part of the naming committee members put to a vote to make the final decision.

“Probably some of us, including myself, didn’t want to make the change because we liked it the way it was,” said Cranshaw. Namely, it was a lot easier for his students to memorize termites and cockroaches as a part of two distinct orders. However, that didn’t stop him from voting in favour of the change regardless.

“It’s what’s right,” Cranshaw shrugged.

What Hasn’t Changed? How Terminix Handles Termite Control!

This reorganization is all fine and dandy for the good people of the science committee. However, at the end of the day, does this change anything? How does this affect pest control?

The bottom line is that it doesn’t. Regardless of whether you want to consider termites cockroaches, or whether you prefer to continue separating the two pests, Terminix Canada is still here to stop both bothersome insects in their tracks.

Whether you are experiencing a cockroach outbreak or a termite infestation, it’s important that you quickly call in the experts. Both pests can cause serious, expensive structural damage to your home. This damage is no easy fix if you wait too long to deal with the problem.

Like mice, if you notice one termite around your home, there’s likely another hundred nearby that are better at hiding.

Likewise, for cockroaches, immediate cockroach control is imperative in preventing infestations from reaching critical, untenable levels. They multiple rapidly, so a small pest problem can quickly turn into a sizeable cockroach infestation if given the chance. 

Get the best termite (and we mean termite) control and cockroach control across the country from Terminix Canada. With over 90 years of experienced, you can trust that our expert exterminators will work fast, efficiently, and effectively. Contact us today to receive a free consultation and solve your pest problem.

Terminix Acquires Canada-based Pest Control Division of Citron Hygiene

The acquisition increases Terminix’s global footprint and secures key market share in Canada 

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (May 19, 2021) – Terminix Global Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: TMX), a leading provider of essential pest and termite control services to residential and commercial customers, today announced the acquisition of the pest control division of Canada-based Citron Hygiene. 

The teammates and assets included in the acquisition span across four Canadian provinces, the United Kingdom and Boston, Mass. This acquisition will bring about 65 new teammates to Terminix, adding geographic density in the Canadian pest control market, and making Terminix Canada the third largest pest management company in country. The acquisition also reaffirms Terminix’s commitment to the commercial pest space globally. 

“We are thrilled that the amazing team from Citron is joining Terminix,” said Doug Hart, vice president of International Operations at Terminix. “When we enter into partnerships to buy businesses, we look for a team with passion for providing excellent customer service, leaders who are dedicated to their teammates, and customers who love their pest control provider. Citron’s pest control division has all three of those qualities and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome them.” 

The Citron pest control team has demonstrated an excellent customer retention rate, a result of their expertise and commitment to service excellence. These teams, who primarily service commercial customers, will largely be based out of existing Terminix locations and will soon go to market under the Terminix brand name. 

“We are grateful to the employees of our pest control division for their years of service and dedication,” said Mark Duxbury. “Joining a pure play pest control business will no doubt give them the support and focus to provide the best possible service for those customers.” 

The acquisition closed on April 30, and LR Tullius represented and acted as exclusive financial advisor for Citron on the transaction. 

About Terminix 

Terminix Global Holdings (NYSE: TMX) is a leading provider of residential and commercial pest control. The company provides pest management services and protection against termites, mosquitoes, rodents and other pests. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., with more than 11,400 teammates and 2.9 million customers in 24 countries and territories, the company visits more than 50,000 homes and businesses every day.

Springtime: The Best Time To Begin Termite Treatment

The skies are staying brighter for longer, the hockey season is in full swing, and you’re inexplicably feeling far less miserable than you did in January – it must be that spring in the air. However, this is also when termite treatment should begin. Unfortunately, that increase in temperature will also come with spring showers. Causing excess moisture, this unfortunately heralds the emergence of subterranean swarmer termites throughout Canada.

Ultimately, April is when Terminix Canada technicians start receiving more enquiries regarding termite treatment and termite control. Firstly, once you’ve discovered a termite infestation in your home, it’s important to act fast. By calling Terminix Canada’s termite removal team, you won’t only get rid of termites. You’re also taking preventative action to ensure you don’t face another termite infestation.

How Do Subterranean Termites Operate?

Take Ontario for instance. Did you know there are over 30 localized areas in Southern Ontario swarmed by subterranean termites? Over the years, areas like Toronto’s Lakeshore and the Wellington district have grown all too familiar with requests for termite treatment.

Firstly, you should know that termites build mud tunnels in the ground that connect the nest (moisture) to the food source (wood). These destructive little critters will happily excavate wood until only a thin layer is left on the surface. Ultimately, this leaves the inside hollow and cavernous.

Once the wood breaks, they use a mixture of soil, feces, and saliva to cover the holes while constructing the mud tubes. Rather impressively, these determined little devils even rebuild damaged tubes too. Crafty termites are more than capable of reaching sills and wood via cracks in a home’s foundation. Failing that, termite treatment is also requested when termites breach other gaps in a property’s perimeter. For instance, entering underneath the outside stucco.

When Do You Need Termite Treatment?

What about the warning signs before requesting termite treatment? Well, a termite infestation has likely taken place where mud tubes are prevalent. A pest that constantly leaves behind red flags, these dry or moist lines of mud are typically found in basements and garages. Elsewhere, warped, spotted, discoloured or striped wood may also be a sign of termites too. Knocking on wood and hearing a hollow sound can mean your home has suffered termite damage.

Types of Tunnels That Subterranean Termites Construct

Subterranean termites are able to construct four different types of tunnels. These are working tubes, migratory tubes, exploratory tubes, and drop tubes

Working Tubes

  • Constructed from nests in the soil to wooden structures
  • May travel up concrete or stone foundations

Migratory and Exploratory Tubes

  • Arise from the soil
  • Don’t connect to wood structures

Drop Tubes

  • Extend from wooden structures back to the soil

Why Should You Worry About Swarmer Termites?

During the spring, termite colonies produce swarmers or alates. These winged adult termites resemble flying ants, and separate from the rest of colony. Swarmers are reproductive termites aiming to establish a new colony. Ultimately, if you aren’t careful, a new colony could be established on your property.

Swarming is most frequent on warm days after rain. This is due to termites’ attraction to moisture and light sources. Finding even one swarmer termite inside your home is a likely sign of a full-blown termite infestation.

What Measures Can You Take Before Termite Treatment Begins?

Before calling Terminix Canada for termite treatment, you can perform a little investigative work of your own. Firstly, you’ll require a flashlight and a screwdriver. A complete termite inspection means locating exposed shelter tubes and damaged woods.

Probe wood with your screwdriver, and inspect the exterior and interior surfaces of your home’s foundation. Particularly, you’ll want to concentrate on areas where wood is on, or near, soil. Importantly, you should know that a common sign of subterranean swarmers is their discarded shed wings at ground level.

Keep in mind, you’ll need to delve into the depths of basements and crawlspaces so do so carefully to avoid injury. Also, remember that areas where concrete joins wooden structures (such as steps and porches) may be infested. Additional preventative measures to get rid of termites include scrapping wood, old tree stumps, and fence posts. These are all ideal harbourages for termites on your property.

Leave Termite Treatment To The Professionals At Terminix Canada

Despite the initial investigative work we just mentioned, remember that proper termite control is a task best left to the professionals. It’s all well and good to spot a termite infestation but that’s precisely when you should call our team.

If you’ve stumbled across a subterranean termite infestation on your property, Terminix Canada provides termite extermination services from coast-to-coast. Helping homeowners get rid of termites for over 90 years, remove the termite infestation in your space by calling us for a free consultation today.

Spring Cleaning – The Best Way To Keep Spring Bugs Out

Spring is a time for renewal, refreshment, and restoration. With lighter evenings and warmer weather, many Canadian homeowners feel rejuvenated to tackle a new project or pick up from where they left off in winter. Take it from Terminix Canada; the best way to channel these inner desires is to take some preventative spring pest control measures.

Why? Because spring is breeding season for many types of pest. Ultimately, if you stand still, spring bugs will feel more than at liberty to make your home theirs. That’s why Terminix Canada has listed four places in your home where spring cleaning and spring bug maintenance should take place. By being proactive, you can prevent spring bugs from appearing and killing your springtime buzz.

4 Places Where Spring Bug Maintenance Should Take Place

  1. Kitchen
  2. Washroom
  3. Basement
  4. Outdoor Areas

Clean The Kitchen

While human populations are grounded from vacation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s not the same for spring bugs. Ultimately, your kitchen is the biggest pest holiday destination of them all! It’s open for business if you do nothing about it. Pests love food and since your kitchen is where the food is, bugs like ants, flies and beetles can’t get enough of your food preparation space.

Nevertheless, by thoroughly and diligently cleaning up food spills, crumbs, and overripe fruits from the countertop, you will make your kitchen less appealing to spring bugs.

For your annual spring clean, first remove everything from your cabinets and pantry. Get rid of stale spices and dated items. Put open packages into airtight containers. Next, wipe down the inside of your cabinets and put in new shelf paper. Then, pull your appliances as far from the wall as possible and vacuum behind them. The last thing to do is give the counter and floor a real scrubbing with a sponge soaked in warm water and a bit of dishwashing liquid.

Tidy Up The Washroom To Wash Out Spring Bugs

Cockroaches and silverfish are just some of the springtime critters that love moisture and make their homes in washrooms. Ultimately, reducing any areas of concentrated moisture is essential for effective cockroach and silverfish control. If you have a dehumidifier handy in your home, we recommend using it to dry out your washroom and other areas.

Elsewhere, while you’re in the washroom, wash your shower curtain and liner. Clean out your medicine cabinet and check under the sink and around the tub and toilet for leaks as well. Remember, leaks lead to moisture build up on the floor and in the pipes themselves. Should you uncover any leaks in your space, call your local plumber.

Better The Basement

Pests like spiders and wildlife like rodents enjoy harbouring in dark corners and cluttered areas of your home. These favourable conditions are often found in your basement. This is why we recommend taking some time during your spring cleaning to truly go through your basement looking for spring bugs.

We’re talking about eliminating clutter wherever possible, storing items in plastic bins with secure lids, and reducing cardboard box use too. Damp cardboard boxes provide another springtime oasis for a number of pests, especially silverfish.

Before you return upstairs, finally inspect your basement with a magnifying glass. Look out for any gaps and crevices that require caulking. Remember, even the tiniest cracks or crevices provide pests and wildlife ample access to the interior of your home.

Audit The Outdoors For Spring Bugs

So far, this blog has addressed places where spring cleaning and spring bugs maintenance should take place inside the home. But don’t forget the outside too!

You’ll want to perform a complete inspection of the outside of your house. This includes noting any damage that might have occurred during the winter. Replace any rotted roof shingles, and unclog the gutters and downspouts. Repair any ripped screens, put in new weather-stripping where needed, and patch-up loose mortar around the windows and foundation.

As far as landscaping, trim back bushes and branches so that pests can’t use them as tightropes into your home. Get rid of any rotted tree stumps and make sure mulch is at least 15 inches away from your foundation. Termites love rotting wood. If you come across any bee, hornet or wasps nests, do not engage. Terminix Canada has the treatments you need for wasp removal and hornet removal.

Since bee populations are in danger, we often recommend customers contact local beekeepers to safely rehome bees and their bee hives. However, in cases where bee hives are located in an area that poses a danger to human safety, especially in cases of allergies, we are able to control the threat and safely remove bees from your property. Contact us today and see your flying insect control problems buzz off for good!


Get Rid Of Spring Bugs With Terminix Canada

Pests don’t care about your home. So why suffer? If you believe your home is infested this spring, locate and contact your nearest Terminix Canada branch today. Simply tell them what happened, and they’ll take care of the rest – building the pest control program you need.