Tag Archives: bed bugs

The Difference Between Bed Bug Bites And Scabies

Scabies and bed bug bites: neither are pleasant to think about nor are they something you’ll want to brag about. However, waking up from your slumber to itchy, uncomfortable red spots on your skin is something you’ll want to get to the bottom of quickly.

That’s why in this blog we’ll go over what exactly bed bugs and scabies are, how to differentiate which one is plaguing you, and what your next steps should be.

What Are Scabies?

First things first, there is a pretty big difference between scabies and bed bug bites. One is well, a bite, that you get from an insect that has made your house their home. Scabies on the other hand, is an infestation of human itch mites (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis) on your actual skin.

Scabies mites are microscopic and can burrow into the upper layer of your skin, where they live and lay their eggs. Eek!

Common symptoms of scabies include pimple-like skin rashes and intense itching. Scabies are usually contracted from prolonged skin-to-skin contact with a person who is infected with scabies. In adults, scabies is often spread through intimate partners or household members, as it requires prolonged contact.

Scabies can be found across the world, similarly to bed bugs. Additionally, just like bed bugs, crowded institutions such as prisons, hospitals, childcare facilities, nursing homes and extended care facilities are often common locations for scabies outbreaks to occur.  

It’s important to note that if you are immunocompromised (have a weakened immune system), you may not develop the same rash that others would. Immunocompromised people are more likely to develop what is known as crusted scabies. Crusted scabies is thick crusts of skins that develop on your body that contain large numbers of scabies eggs and scabies mites. Crusted scabies spreads much easier than regular scabies. If you develop crusted scabies, it’s important to receive prompt and aggressive treatment.

Common Symptoms Of Scabies:

  • Extreme itchiness
  • Pimple-like rashes
  • Rashes are usually constrained to one area and are commonly found on wrists, elbows, armpits, webbing between fingers, waist, beltline and/or buttocks
  • Rash can sometimes include small blisters or skin sores that can then become infected
  • Occasionally, tiny burrows can be seen on the skin appearing as tiny raised, greyish-white or skin-coloured lines
  • Rashes in infants are often seen on the head, face, palms, soles or neck

How To Treat Scabies

If you’ve never had scabies before, it can take a long period from time of the initial infestation for symptoms to appear. Symptoms can take 4-8 weeks to show, however even without displaying symptoms, you can pass scabies onto others.

If you’ve already had scabies once before, symptoms will appear much quicker the second or third time around. You will likely show symptoms within 1-4 days of exposure.

Different from bed bugs, scabies does not require a bed bug exterminator to solve the problem. It actually doesn’t require a pest control specialist of any kind. Scabies is treated medically, requiring creams and lotions, such as permethrin. However, before running out to your local drug store to pick up lice remover, it’s important you get your scabies infestation properly diagnosed by a medical professional, as your rash may be the result of something else. Additionally, proper scabicides require a doctor’s prescription.

It’s important that you follow all the instructions on the medication and wear clean clothes while applying the medication, so scabies infested clothes cannot re-infest you. Do not use scabicide intended for agricultural or veterinary use on humans.

If you live with anyone else, it’s important that other members of your household also use the medicated creams, even if they’re not yet showing symptoms. It’s important to eradicate all of the infestations at once, so they don’t continue to spread throughout your household.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on humans and animals. They are quite small, 4 to 5 mm long or about the size of an apple seed and are extremely good at hiding from the human gaze. They often hide in cracks and crevices of mattresses, beds, headboards, bed frames and any other objects around your bed during the day, sneaking out at night to feed on humans’ blood. A meal for a bed bug usually takes about three to ten minutes, leaving the human or animal host with an inflamed and itchy bite.

Generally, bed bugs only live for four to six months, however they can live up to five years and go months without feeding. The main issue with bed bugs is that you’ll never have just one, or even two. A female bed bug can lay anywhere between 200 to 500 eggs in their lifetime. Eggs hatch in seven days, fully developing in 21 days.

Bed bugs cannot fly, but they can move very quickly over ceilings, walls or floors. However, bed bugs usually travel from place to place on clothing, bedding, furniture and other fabrics or soft materials. They do not live in nests, instead hiding in crevices in groups of bugs.


Identifying Bed Bug Bites

Bed bug bites are characterized by harsh red bumps in groups of three or four on the arms, back, shoulders and/or neck. Unlike scabies, bed bugs don’t live on the human body, but nest in hiding places near couches and sofas where they can sneak up on unsuspecting blood bags (re: you).

When you call in an expert bed bug exterminator like Terminix Canada, they’ll be getting rid of bed bugs either by using safe, ethical pesticides or a totally non-chemical bed bug heat treatment.

Common Symptoms Of Bed Bugs:

  • Blood stains on your pillows or sheets
  • Dark or rusty coloured spots on your sheets, mattress, clothes or walls
  • Fecal spots, egg shells or shed skin in hiding spots (sheets, mattresses, bed frames, etc.)
  • A musty odour that bed bugs excrete

What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like?

  • Itchiness
  • Inflammation
  • A burning or painful sensation
  • Red, itchy bumps with clear centres
  • Small red welts or bumps in a zig zag or line pattern
  • Red bumps surrounded by hives or blisters
  • Small spots of blood from the bites left on your skin or sheets

While bed bug bites are uncomfortable, they do not regularly harm your health. However, in rare cases, some people may develop serious symptoms such as:

  • Fever
  • Swollen tongue
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Nausea or flu-like symptoms
  • Blisters
  • Difficulty breathing

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly.

How To Treat Bed Bug Bites

Once you’ve figured out that you are suffering from a bed bug infestation instead of scabies, it’s important to act fast. As we’ve stated above, female bed bugs lay many eggs in their lifetimes, so a few bed bugs can quickly turn into a huge infestation which can be difficult to get under control. Call a professional pest control company, like Terminix Canada to quickly and efficiently exterminate bed bugs from your home. Additionally, Terminix Canada will act as a bed bug cleaning service, removing any traces that bed bugs were ever in your home.

Do not rely on DIY bed bug control, as it can only make matters worse and help aid bed bugs in becoming more resistant to traditional bed bug pest control methods. However, here are some steps that you can take to help control your bed bug infestation while you’re waiting for the experts to arrive.

Bed Bug Prevention Tips:

  • Remove any clutter from your home, especially in areas where you strongly suspect bed bugs.
  • Move your bed or mattress away from walls and other furniture.
  • Vacuum every part of your home every day, but you must empty the vacuum bag immediately after cleaning any infested areas of your house. Otherwise, you’re more likely to spread the infestation than you are to fix it.
  • Wash all clothing and bedding in hot water, and then put them in the hot dryer for at least 30 minutes. You should also be washing mattresses and box spring covers.

When dealing with bed bugs, it’s as important to know what not to do as it is to know what to do.

Terminix Canada Bed Bug Exterminators Can Help You

If you have bed bugs, you need affordable and effective professional pest control to quickly fix your bed bug infestation. Terminix Canada utilizes Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to ensure the problem is taken care of.

On your initial service, our trained and licensed technicians will hunt high and low for any bed bugs or bed bug eggs, documenting all of our findings in a comprehensive inspection report. Using both chemical and steam bed bug treatments, we’ll effectively reach even the tiniest of crevices, ensuring that all bed bugs and their eggs are wiped out.

Usually, only one visit is required from Terminix Canada to properly eradicate your bed bug infestation. However, at your request, we will return to treat the inside of your home again. Terminix Canada 100% guarantees all of our services.

What are you waiting for? Find your local Terminix Canada branch today!

Do Bed Bugs Fly? And Your Other Bed Bug Questions Answered

Ask anybody what their favourite superpower would be and they’d probably respond – to fly. Nope, not as a passenger on a Boeing 747 but with their own metaphorical wings, flying high above civilization below. What an awesome view that’d be!

It appears humans are so obsessed with flying that we’ve enviously assumed that some pests can do what we cannot. In other words, “do bed bugs fly?” receives over 500 average monthly searches on Google. In short, myths and rumours travel fast. This Terminix Canada blog is here to help you determine the fact from the fiction. For starters, the answer to “do bed bugs fly?” is an emphatic no!

Do Bed Bugs Fly?

While bed bugs can get around surprisingly quickly, they can’t actually fly. Also, contrary to other similar species of parasite, they can’t jump long distances either. In reality, bed bugs can crawl rapidly but that is it. There’s no imitating Kawhi Leonard in the Toronto Raptors’ incredible run to the 2019 NBA Championship title.

A bed bug’s primary form of transportation is hitching a ride within your luggage or bags when you aren’t looking. While bed bugs don’t travel around on a person, their ability to infiltrate fabrics and belongings makes bed bug prevention very difficult.

What Are Common Bed Bug Signs?

Common bed bug signs include red bloodstains on your apartment, house or condominium sheets and mattresses. These red stains form when sleepers roll over and crush bed bugs that have intruded into your bedroom.

Elsewhere, other bed bug warning signs include dark bed bug excrement stains on mattresses and walls. Egg shells and shed skin lying around your sleeping area also suggests you have a bed bug infestation. Lastly, bed bugs leave behind a distinctive musty odour too. If you smell an offensive odour, this is likely from bed bugs’ scent glands.

How Easily Do Bed Bugs Transfer?

The good news is that bed bugs don’t spread from residence to residence super easily. However, they can definitely get around your home quickly. They do this by travelling along pipes and wires. Unlike other parasites like fleas, you don’t have to worry too much about them hitching a ride on your pet dog. Nevertheless, if bed bugs find their way into your luggage or bag, they can set up shop in your next sleeping area relatively quickly.

When traveling abroad and staying in hotel rooms, always make sure to check your mattress and sheets for any signs of bed bugs before you unpack.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

The best long-term solution of how to get rid of bed bugs is through Integrated Pest Management (IPM). In other words, making your home uninhabitable for them with the help of registered pest control professionals like Terminix Canada. This involves inspecting bed bug hiding places and eliminating them. In extreme situations, you might need a bed bug chemical treatment or a bed bug steam treatment to combat your bed bug infestation.

What Is Bed Bug Steam Treatment?

Bed bug steam treatment takes different forms, but it generally is what it sounds like – killing bed bugs with lethal temperatures. Common bed bug steam treatment includes placing infected items in hot boxes, steaming treatments in your bedroom, and placing infected clothes in dryers. Killing bed bugs with steam has to be accompanied with an IPM plan, otherwise the bed bug infestation could return if left unchecked.

Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Originally, bed bugs come from caves in the Middle East. Bed bugs actually appear in ancient Greek writings with physicians actually claiming they could help heal ear infections and snake bites. This was still an age when bleeding was considered the leading form of medicine. Since then, bed bugs have spread across the world due to our reduced use of pesticides as a society, increases in international travel, and our use of second-hand furniture.

Are Bed Bug Bites Painful?

While actual bed bug bites aren’t painful enough to wake you up, the resulting inflammation could be painful and discomforting. The itchiness could also cause you to over-scratch and harm yourself. Ultimately, reactions to bed bug bites vary from one person to the next.

Leave Bed Bug Control And Bed Bug Removal To The Professionals At Terminix Canada

As we enter hibernation season, you want the peace of mind that comes with a nice and cosy bed bug-free bed.

Luckily for you, Terminix Canada is trained to handle bed bug infestations big or small. Our team is backed by 90 years of experience terminating household pests.

Now you’ve discovered the answer to “do bed bugs fly?” do something about your own bed bug problem. Visit www.terminix.ca/branch-locator, find your nearest Terminix Canada branch and give them a call.

Bed Bugs – The Best (And Worst) Ways To Remove Them

This probably goes without saying, but the last thing you’d ever want to do in a zombie outbreak is to pretend like you know what you’re doing. Because the chances are, you’re not going to make things any better, regardless of what your intentions may be.

Bed bugs are a little bit like zombies. Not only can they also survive for lengthy periods of time without feeding (18 months!), but they also feast on humans and can multiply rapidly.

There are many courses of action that may seem logical to you in the heat of the moment. You might even come to believe that you’re capable of single-handedly winning against the overwhelming horde of bed bugs living in your home. You might dream of valiantly driving them away from your abode, graciously winning your family’s praises for your cunning wit and valour. But we assure you, you’ll most likely be doing the very opposite.

Bed bugs are known to be extremely resilient and devilishly crafty. Here’s our list of the best ways to treat bed bugs, as well as some of the worst!

Bed Bugs – Warning Signs  

The best time to deal with any infestation is before it actually happens. Don’t let bed bugs catch you off guard! A single female bed bug can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime. But if you find and eliminate the source early on (aka, her), you can stop her from breeding and increasing her followers.

Here are some signs that you should look out for:

1. Bed Bugs Leave Spots

If you have bed bugs, you’d normally see small, dark spots on furniture, walls and flooring near their hiding spots. They’re composed of your undigested blood that the bed bugs had to excrete. Gross!

2. Bed Bugs Dispose Of Exoskeletons

These annoying pests molt five times in their lifetime.  They molt and grow in size with every life stage from instar nymph, to full adult.  You might find their empty shells in the crevices and corners of your home.

3. Bed Bugs Leave A Musty Scent

Individually, they probably won’t smell of anything. But when huge groups of them are clustered together, you’ll most likely detect a distinctly musty-sweet odour wafting in the air. What, you can’t recognize a bed bug infestation when it hits you right in the nose?

Don’t Use A Bed Bug Fogger

Where do we even begin with this one?

A bed bug fogger, also known as the bug bomb, sounds like a quick and easy solution to exterminate those nasty suckers from your home in one clean sweep, right? WRONG!

Foggers use an aerosol propellant to disperse its contents through the air, which settles onto open surfaces. However, bed bugs tend to hide when they aren’t feeding. And guess what? They tend to hide in spots the foggers don’t reach.

Not only are the foggers ineffective, they’ll cause the bed bugs to scatter and dig deeper into the nooks and crannies of your home to get away from the source of the chemicals. Ultimately, this means a more settled in, hard-to-reach pest infestation.

Foggers also contain a very low concentration of pesticide, which means that they’ll likely fail at killing the bed bugs they DO reach. And the bad news doesn’t stop there. The low-level exposure to pesticides actually helps the little buggers to develop immunity – and they’ll only continue to get stronger as time passes. You’ll actually be making them harder to kill!

Do Protect Your Bed From Bed Bugs With A Mattress Encasement

If you encase your mattress and box springs, you can trap the bed bugs inside and keep them from gorging on your blood. They’ll be unable to feed and eventually starve to death.

Furthermore, bed bugs will be very easy to spot and remove, since they can only scuttle around the white surface of the encasement. Mattress encasements are easily one of the best ways to prevent these bloodsuckers from making your home theirs! Just make sure you install them properly and get a handle on how they should be maintained. Remember that the encasements should stay on for at least a year.

Don’t Dispose Of Your Bed

We can’t stress this enough. It’s very common for people to assume that they have to get rid of their beds and textiles once their homes are infested with bed bugs.

No, no, and no. Doing so will do more harm than good:

  1. Hauling that infested mattress could spread the infestation even further throughout your home.
  1. You’ll be giving the remaining bed bugs a chance to throw another housewarming party on the new mattress that you’ll be bringing in.
  1. Your hard-earned money will be spent for no reason.

Do Eliminate Any Clutter In Your Home

Bed bugs are great at hide-n-seek. Giving them a playing field will only make it worse! Try to reduce clutter and organize your personal possessions as much as you can.

In particular, don’t store anything under your bed, and keep the floors neat and tidy. If you’ve got any piles of laundry, newspapers, magazines, shoes and toys lying around, you better clear them out. They give bed bugs millions of hiding spots, and bed bug treatment will become close to impossible!

And if you need to dispose of any items, make sure you seal them tightly in plastic bags before tossing them in the outdoor trash.

Don’t Escape To A Friend Or Relative’s Home

You don’t want to be doing this since these pests are notorious hitchhikers. They’d definitely be more than happy to tag along and settle into your friend’s humble residence too. Furthermore, bed bugs can live up to 18 months without feeding, so escape just isn’t an option.

Have Bed Bugs? Call A Licensed Exterminator For The Best Results

This is THE way to go for a complete extermination. There’s only so much you can do alone! Remember, the safest and best bed bug treatments can only be performed by an experienced team of professionals. Foggers and other pesticides come with a list of health risks and other dangers that you don’t want to be dealing with! Licensed exterminators can provide effective heat treatment options, which require specialized equipment and expertise.

Save yourself the trouble and let us take care of your bed bug problems right now! Terminix Canada has provided superior bed bug extermination services all over Canada for over 90 years. Our chemical and steam bed bug treatments will get rid of your unwanted visitors once and for all.

For more information regarding our pest control services, call us at 1-888-801-6348!

10 Nightmare-ish Facts About Bed Bugs

Looking for some bed bug facts to keep you up at night? Keep reading.

Canada is known to be a country that gets very, very cold winters in many of its provinces and territories. Naturally, these harsh conditions turn our beds into fortresses of solitude. We bundle ourselves in warm and toasty blankets, shielded from the frigid Fahrenheit plaguing the winter months.

Sadly, we have some bad news for our bed-loving brethren. Winter doesn’t slow bed bugs down. They actually like cozying up in your bed as much as you do, and your one safe space may not be so safe after all.

Here’s what you need to know about the foul beasts who dare to sully our sleep.

Bed Bug Fact #1 – They Are Worthy Of Night Terrors

There’s a reason why your parents told you not to let the bed bugs bite. It wasn’t simply platitude, but a genuine cry of concern. These harbingers of horror love the darkness, and are mostly active during the night time, feeding fruitfully whilst you slumber.

Bed Bug Fact #2 – They Have A Keen Fashion Sense

Bed bugs will happily harbour in your Hilfiger jeans and Helly Hansen jacket. Most bed bug infestations occur after people come back from vacation, having picked up an unwanted passenger in their clothing or in your luggage during their trip. This is how bed bugs are capable of traveling such long distances!

Bed Bug Fact #3 – They Fear Nothing

There’s an ongoing myth that bed bugs are scared of light, but it’s completely unfounded. It’s true that they prefer the dark, but they will still bite when the lights are on. The heat and carbon dioxide emitted from our bodies are far too appetizing for bed bugs to resist.

Bed Bug Fact #4 – They Feed Off Chaos

One of the best bed bug prevention methods is decluttering. If your house belongs on Hoarders, you are primed for a bed bug infestation. They love using clutter as hiding spots.

So, it’s time to let go of your 25-year-old collection of 2L pop bottles. Come on, you weren’t going to reuse them!

Bed Bug Fact #5 – They Wouldn’t Thrive In The Arctic

While bed bugs can adapt under duress, there’s a limit to their durability. Scientists discovered that adult bed bugs can’t survive below -25°C. Having said that, we still can’t suggest taking your infested mattress on a scenic drive up north on any given January afternoon. We love the creativity though.

Bed Bug Fact #6 – They Wouldn’t Do Well In The Desert Either

Extremely cold temperatures are proven to kill bed bugs, but they also can’t survive on the opposite side of the thermometer.  Bed bugs that are exposed to 48°C or higher will die in a mere 20 minutes.  Don’t pack your bags moving to the hottest parts of the world just yet.  There are easier ways utilizing heat to prevent bed bugs besides setting up a shack in Death Valley.  The use of steam is a tried and proven method to roast away both bed bugs and their eggs.

Bed Bug Fact #7 – They Have A Culinary Curiosity

Bed bugs are low maintenance when it comes to living accommodations, not limiting themselves to your mattress, clothing, or other furniture. They’ll happily inhabit your kitchen appliances as well. Given their preference of heat and darkness, a recently turned-off oven is as luxurious as a stay at the Ritz Carlton.

Bed Bug Fact #8 – They Are (Disgusting) Creatures Of Habit

The feeding patterns of bed bugs are about as predictable as your life has become in lockdown. And their choice to live under our mattress is a mere crime of convenience. These creatures will nest as near to food sources (e.g. humans) as possible, feasting on their blood for up to 10 minutes at a time.

Bed Bug Fact #9 – They Are Dedicated To The Cause

Bed bugs have a passion for feeding, and they’ll slog it out just for one bite if they have to. While their preference is to live under a mattress in the name of limited effort, these menaces will travel up to 30 metres to feed. When your average height is 5-6mm, 30 meters is quite the commute‚ especially in this weather!

Bed Bug Fact #10 – They Have Child-Bearing Hips

Of all the bed bug facts on the list, this might be the most disturbing of them all. A female bed bug lays about 200 to 500 eggs over her lifetime, which results in 1 to 5 new bed bugs a day. If you don’t keep a watch on cracks and crevices where bed bugs and their eggs could hide, you might find yourself sucked dry in the middle of the night!

Think about those stats and then apply it to your hypothetically infested mattress and bed frame. This should be enough motivation keep an eye out for any warning signs of bed bug infestations!

If you’ve had enough of these terrifying bed bug facts, it’s time to call in the experts to take care of the problem.

Your home could be a breeding ground for pests such as bed bugs during the winter months, and you must remain vigilant, keeping an eye out for any warning signs of a bed bug problem. Or you can always hire a professional pest control company, such as Terminix Canada, for expert bed bug detection and extermination

If your home has been overrun by a bed bug infestation, Terminix Canada provides environmentally friendly pest and bed bug removal, control, and prevention services throughout Canada. With over 90 years of experience, our team of pest control experts know best how to efficiently and effectively eliminates bed bug infestations and prevents them from coming back.

Is A Bed Bug Infestation Getting Harder To Eliminate?

If you’ve had the unfortunate experience of dealing with a bed bug infestation in your home, you know how difficult those buggers are to eradicate for good.

And according to a study in the Journal of Economic Entomology, the bed bug battle isn’t going to get any easier.

Researchers from Purdue University have learned today’s bed bugs are developing strong resistances to two of the most common insecticides used in pest management.

Bed bugs, who’ve been around since the days of dinosaurs, had already been showing exceptional forbearance to several other insecticides. This includes the regularly used, and usually effective, deltamethrin. The limited success of the chemical is one of the key factors to the rise of bed bug infestations over the past decade, particularly in large metropolitans.

Now, they’re rapidly building immunities to deltamethrin’s next best alternatives, bifenthrin and chlorfenapyr.

The Study On Bed Bug Infestations And Immunity

In 2015, the University of Kentucky conducted a survey which found that 68% of pest management professionals consider bed bugs the most difficult pest to control.

Some think it’s because bed bugs are wily, small and harbor in the dark spaces of your home. However, that’s not what makes a bed bug infestation so difficult to kill. Their insecticide resistances are.

The concerns of their growing immunities aren’t new, says lead author of this new study, Ameya Gondhalekar, research assistant professor at Purdue’s Center for Urban and Industrial Pest Management.

The longer you use any product for the control of a particular pest, the more resistance issues you are going to have, he says.

For Gondhalekar’s study, his Purdue University research team collected 10 unique bed bug populations from across America. These populations came from Indiana, New Jersey, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington, DC. These populations were exposed to different chemicals for a week.

In this study the researchers discovered a reduced susceptibility to bifenthrin in half of the bed bugs groups. As a result, over 25% of the bed bugs survived. Three of the populations displayed reduced susceptibility to chlorfenapyr.

Using Bifenthrin And Chlorfenapyr On Bed Bug Infestations

Similar to deltamethrin, bifenthrin is a pyrethroid (an organic compound common in today’s pest control tactics) that targets a bug’s nervous system. Chlorfenapyr is more sci-fi, attacking the mitochondria of cells. The latter is regularly employed by pest control professionals and exterminators. The former is an over-the-counter product that comes in sprays, granules, and aerosols.

Gondhalekar does note that these two chemicals still have relative effectiveness in combatting some bed bug populations. In order to keep these chemicals useful and not allow bed bugs to gain immunity, we must use these insecticides sparingly.

Pairing bifenthrin or chlorfenapyr with non-chemical pest control techniques, for example, will keep the powerful insecticides relevant for years. They can be coupled with heat, steam, or silica gels, for example.

Utilizing pesticides for pest management, however, is easy and cheap. And it’s that accessibility that’s created overuse of chemicals like bifenthrin and chlorfenapyr. This is what has allowed beg bug generations to slowly become impervious to them.

People from academia have been promoting the use of integrative approaches for years, but the cost of non-chemical methods can be prohibitive, Gondhalekar explained.

Additionally, there is a ton of research that proves using integrated control measures along with insecticides effectively controls bed bug infestations. These additional measures are vacuuming, steam or heat, mattress encasements, traps and desiccant dusts.

The Problem With Bed Bug Infestations

While these household pests aren’t dangerous or life-threatening, they are annoying. Their bites can cause itching, allergic reactions, and restless nights. Large bed bug infestations are extremely difficult to fully eradicate. This often leads to additional expenses, stress and social isolation.

Perhaps the best form of pest control against the little bloodsuckers is prevention. There are many things you can do to help keep your home a bed bug-free space. Such things include vacuuming often, springing for an insect-proof mattress casing and being cautious with your luggage when travelling.

If you’re frequently monitoring for bed bugs, then you won’t have the issue of them multiplying into large numbers, Gondhalekar says. It’s much easier to manage the problem early, when it’s just 5 or 10 bed bugs, rather than hundreds.

Are you currently losing the battle on your home turf?

Wondering the best way to get rid of a bed bug infestation? Terminix Canada can help. We utilizes the best bed bug heat treatments to effectively control & exterminate bed bug populations of any size and severity. It’s the superior solution to getting rid of bed bugs. We use safe, non-toxic products to penetrate wall cavities, mattresses, and other hard to reach places.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Household Pests – 4 Common Household Pests To Fend Off This Winter

When the temperature drops below zero and the earth is veiled in white, we can all agree that nothing quite beats the feeling of basking in the warmth of your sanctuary. Unfortunately, we’re probably not the only ones who feel that way. It just so happens that your sanctuary also happens to be a sanctuary for household pests.

Prepare yourself for uninvited guests, because wintertime isn’t a pest-free time. If you thought the cold would send the pests away to some distant land far beyond your home, like say, Mexico, think again. They don’t just fly south during the winter, nor do they all just drop dead and magically re-appear again during the summer. Pests need shelter too, you know! And your home probably looks awfully inviting when everywhere else looks and feels cold and unappealing.

Here are some of the common pests that could be eyeing up your home in the cold months, followed by the best ways to prevent rodents and insects from invading.

Household Pest #1: House Mice

House mice absolutely love moving into your humble abode during the winter. These household pests tend to nest in dark, secluded areas of your residence, such as your attic or your basement. The warmth, shelter from the snow, and abundance of food your home provides makes it their number one getaway spot for the cold season.

House mice may be cute and tiny, but they can deliver some serious property damage. They’re capable of chewing through drywall and wires with ease. They’re also potential carriers of several diseases like Salmonella and tape worms, so you probably don’t want to be sharing your space and food with these pipsqueaks.

Keep an eye out for tiny droppings, gnaw marks, and rummaged food. Also, try to seal any cracks and openings on the outside of your home with caulk or steel wool.

And while this may be easier said than done, do your best to keep your basement and attic clutter-free! Playing hide n’ seek with these annoying little rodents is no way to spend your cozy time indoors!

Household Pest #2: Cockroaches

Come on now, let’s be honest – did you really think a bit of snow would stop these creepy crawlies from scuttling into your home? We mean, they HAVE existed for approximately 350 million years, fending off the worst that Mother Nature (and humans) could throw at them! These household pests have survived the Ice Age, and all kinds of other catastrophic disasters. In essence, they’re one of the most common pests found throughout the world, and there’s very little that can shake them away.

Cockroaches can squirm through the smallest openings and crawl through impossibly tiny gaps around doors and windows. Being the wily hitch-hikers that they are, cockroaches will most likely be entering your sanctuary by latching onto second-hand items and groceries you bring in from outside. And since they love small areas that are within an antenna-reach of food and moisture, once they’ve settled in, they’re in it for the long haul.

Pay close attention to activities around your kitchen and bathroom, because that’s likely where they’ll be. Keep your counters and floors clean, and free of food scraps – especially under your sinks and appliances!

Household Pest #3: Bed Bugs

Speaking of hitch-hikers…

During the winter months, it’s common for people to travel around more often. This especially holds true in Canada, where winters can be quite cold and unbearable for many.

Unfortunately, that means bed bugs will be cashing in on those frequent flyer miles as well. They’re world-class hitch-hikers that spread by latching onto clothing, luggage, purses, and people.

Check under the sheets and mattresses for bed bugs and dark blood spots. And when you get back from a trip, make sure you clean your clothes and luggage very thoroughly. Before you even bring them into the house, clean and sanitize your luggage and belongings in the garage, otherwise you just might wake up to some unwanted guests in your bed.

Household Pest #4: Box Elder Bugs

These overwintering pests probably won’t find your home to be an ideal living environment. But even so, it’s a thousand times better than being outside in the freezing cold where they’d turn into popsicles!

Box elder bugs tend to gather on exterior walls of dwellings, attics, or wall voids during the fall, where they’ll congregate and multiply their numbers. And once winter comes, the warm and cozy atmosphere of your home makes it hard for them to resist scuttling into your living space. That’s why the winter season’s the prime infestation time for these annoying pests!

In order to prevent them from breaching your fortress of solitude, try to seal any exterior cracks and crevices. Look out for any nearby box elder or maple trees, which they tend to reside in. And try to keep tree branches trimmed so that they don’t touch or come near the structure of your home.

The Best Pest Control Comes From The Experts

Once you spot any of these household pests within your humble abode, don’t rely on do-it-yourself sprays and traps to get rid of them. While you may be able to get rid of a large number of them using Band-Aid solutions, there’s a strong chance they’ll return in droves if proper, precautionary measures aren’t taken to keep them out for good.

Your best bet is getting the professionals involved for a truly permanent and effective extermination!

Terminix Canada has provided superior pest management services all over Canada for over 90 years. If you’re having an issue with these winter household pests, or any other pest control problems, we specialize in fast and environmentally-friendly pest control services. For more information regarding our pest management and control services, or how to prevent bed bugs, get in touch today!