Tag Archives: ant pest control

How to Wildlife-Proof Your Home in the Fall in Canada

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As the vibrant colors of fall begin to fade and the temperature drops, wildlife across Canada starts preparing for the colder months ahead. Unfortunately, that often means critters may seek refuge in and around residential homes, garages, or sheds.  

Wildlife control and removal becomes especially common in cities like Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City and Halifax, which tend to see cold and freezing temperatures as early as October. While it can be exciting to spot a squirrel or raccoon in the backyard, finding one inside your attic or basement is a different story. Wildlife-proofing your home in the fall is essential to prevent these uninvited guests from moving in.

Here’s how you can protect your home from wildlife intrusion this fall:

Inspect and Seal Potential Entry Points

Wild animals such as squirrels, raccoons, skunks, possums, mice, and bats are resourceful when it comes to finding warmth. They can squeeze through tiny openings to enter your home, so it’s important to thoroughly inspect your house for any gaps or holes. Pay special attention to:

  • Roof and Eaves: Look for damaged shingles, loose vents, or cracks in the fascia where animals can climb in.
  • Attic and Chimneys: Ensure that your chimney is capped, and inspect attic vents. Consider installing sturdy mesh covers over vents to prevent access.
  • Foundation and Siding: Check for any cracks or holes in your foundation or siding, especially around windows and doors.

Garage and Basements: Don’t overlook the lower levels of your home. Seal any gaps around garage doors and basement windows with weatherstripping or caulking.

Install Proper Vent Covers

Vent covers and chimney caps are essential for keeping wildlife out. Birds, bats, and raccoons love to enter homes through chimneys and vents. Install metal or heavy-duty mesh covers over these openings to prevent access. Make sure the covers are tightly secured and regularly inspect them for damage.

Trim Overhanging Trees and Branches

Trees and branches that overhang your roof can serve as highways for wildlife. Squirrels and raccoons can easily use these branches to leap onto your roof and find entry points. Trim back any overhanging limbs to make it more difficult for them to access your home. As an added benefit, this will also reduce the risk of storm damage to your roof in the fall.

Store Food and Waste Correctly

Fall is a time of preparation for animals, and they’ll be on the hunt for food sources. Make sure your food and waste storage isn’t attracting them. Here’s what you can do:

  • Keep Trash Secure: Use wildlife-proof trash cans with locking lids. Store garbage bins inside the garage or shed until pick-up day.
  • Remove Outdoor Food Sources: Clean up any fallen fruit from trees, and avoid leaving pet food outside.

Compost with Caution: If you compost, ensure that your compost bin is securely sealed and free of food scraps that might attract wildlife.

Set Up Motion-Activated Lights and Other Wildlife Deterrents

Wildlife, especially nocturnal creatures like raccoons and skunks, are less likely to approach your home if it’s well-lit. Install motion-activated lights around your property, particularly near entry points like doors, garages, and sheds. You can also use wildlife deterrents like ultrasonic devices, which emit high-frequency sounds that animals find unpleasant.

Secure Outdoor Structures

Garages, sheds, and decks are also prime locations for animals to seek shelter. Make sure these structures are secure by:

  • Blocking Access Under Decks: Install lattice or hardware cloth around the base of your deck to keep animals from burrowing underneath.
  • Securing Shed Doors and Windows: Check that shed doors close tightly and that any windows are in good repair.

Covering Garage Vents: If your garage has vents, make sure they are covered with a fine mesh that will prevent small animals from getting in.

Keep Your Yard Tidy

A messy yard with piles of leaves, firewood, or other debris can provide perfect hiding spots for animals. To make your property less attractive to wildlife:

  • Rake Leaves Regularly: Don’t let piles of leaves accumulate near your home.
  • Store Firewood Properly: Keep firewood stacked at least 20 feet away from your house and elevated off the ground.

Clear Debris: Remove any piles of brush, logs, or other materials that could serve as a shelter for wildlife.

Call in the Professionals When Necessary

If you notice signs of wildlife inside your home, such as droppings, noises, or nests, it’s best to call a professional wildlife control service. Attempting to remove animals on your own can be dangerous, both for you and the animal. Wildlife control experts can humanely remove the critters and help you further wildlife-proof your home.

Grey Squirrel on Roof


From British Columbia to Newfoundland,  Canadian homeowners taking steps to wildlife-proof your home in the fall is a smart and proactive way to prevent unwanted guests from making themselves at home before you have to call a wildlife removal company.. By sealing potential entry points, keeping your property clean, and using proper deterrents, you can enjoy the beauty of autumn in Canada.

Rentokil Terminix for Wildlife Control

Need wildlife prevention, removal and control on your property? Rentokil Terminix pest control are experts in wildlife prevention and removal services for both residential and commercial properties with locations across Canada including BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.


All of Rentokil Terminix’s pest control experts are fully licensed, certified, and held to the highest professional standards possible. We are part of the National Pest Management Association, Canadian Pest Management Association, QualityPro, and the Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario, among other provinces. We are proud to have provided Canadian homeowners with quality pest control services for over 90 years!

The Ultimate Guide to Carpenter Ants

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Carpenter ants are small but mighty but not in a good way. They are notorious for the significant damage they cause to homes across Canada. And can cause serious damage to wooden structures in your home if you fail to take action. To protect your home it’s important to take preventative measures and / or identify a carpenter ant infestation early on so that no significant damage is caused. This guide on carpenter ants includes how to identify carpenter ants, common signs of a carpenter ant infestation in your home, the best ways to prevent carpenter ants, and how to get rid of carpenter ants. This ultimate guide to carpenter ants contains all the information you need to keep your home safe and protected year round.

How to Identify Carpenter Ants

The 2 most common types of carpenter ants are the black carpenter ants and the red carpenter ants. Carpenter ants are larger than most, with their size ranging from 6 to 25 mm lengthwise. Their bodies are divided into 3 sections, with a slim waist separating the upper and lower body. Carpenter ant’s antennae are also sectioned and bent. When a colony is mature, a generation of swarmers is produced. Swarmers are both male and female and their purpose is to reproduce and form new colonies. 

Signs you Have Carpenter Ants in Your Home

The most common signs that you have a carpenter ant problem in your home are: 

  • Damaged wood  
  • Sawdust piles
  • Discarded wings: near windows.  
  • Forager ants
  • Audible sounds: rustling in the walls or hollow sounding wood when tapped.


You may see more live ants in the evenings as that’s when they are most active.   

Best Ways to Prevent Carpenter Ants

It’s vital to take preventative measures so that you minimize the risk of  infestations. The following are preventative measures you can take: 


  • Eliminate moisture: Carpenter ants are attracted to damp wood since it’s easier for them to chew through, so it’s best to repair any leaks or moisture problems within your home. 
  • Trim vegetation: Keep tree branches, shrubs, and vegetation away from your house to prevent ant highways. 
  • Seal entry points: Seal cracks and gaps in the foundation, walls, and windows to prevent ants from coming into your home. 

Remember to also store firewood away from your home and inspect it before bringing it indoors. Make it a point to regularly inspect wooden structures for signs of damage so that any issues can be resolved immediately.   

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants?

Locating and treating the main nest is the first step in effectively eliminating carpenter ants. Some of the most common ways to get rid of carpenter ants on your own is to use bait specifically made for carpenter ants, and mix it with a sweet substance. The worker ants will bring it back to the colony, where the other ants will eat it and die. 

If you suspect an infestation it’s best to call your local pest control professionals so you get the most accurate identification, precise treatment, and long-term elimination.

Carpenter Ant FAQs:

How to locate a carpenter ant nest?  

Track ants if you see them in and/or around your house and check any wooden structures or firewood around your house, particularly wet wood. 

What do carpenter ants eat? 

They eat plant and animal matter. Proteins and sweet foods found around homes provide food for the foraging workers. 

What are carpenter ants? 

They are a species of ant, and they get their name from how they build their nests. They excavate wood and build tunnels inside. 

How do carpenter ants get into my home?


They  can enter your home through cracks around doors and windows and through shrubs or tree limbs that are in contact with the outside of your house.  

What’s the difference between termites and carpenter ants?   

They  do not eat wood, they build tunnels (called galleries) in the wood to create their nests whereas termites eat wood. Termites have a broad waist, straight antennae, and wings equal in length. 

When are ants most active? 

They are most active in the evening. 

Rentokil Terminix for Carpenter Ant Removal

Need to get rid of carpenter ants on your property? Rentokil Terminix has you covered! We offer expert pest & wildlife control services for both residential and commercial properties with locations across Canada including BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.


All of Rentokil Terminix’s pest control experts are fully licensed, certified, and held to the highest professional standards possible. We are part of the National Pest Management Association, Canadian Pest Management Association, QualityPro, and the Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario, among other provinces. We are proud to have provided Canadian homeowners with quality pest control services for over 90 years!


Beware These Dangerous Bugs This Spring

Your first reaction when the sun finally emerges from the cold, grey winter sky to melt away the snow is probably to cry tears of joy. Few know the true joy that comes with the start of spring like Canadians. Unfortunately, these dangerous bugs were also waiting for their perfect time to shine.

For every flower we must have rain. Everything is dual natured after all, including springtime. As you frolic through the greenery and skip past the clouds of midges, remember to keep a lookout for these dangerous bugs that like to make a comeback around the same time that the sun does.

Why Ants Can Be Dangerous Bugs

Ants enjoy a good frolic as much as anyone else. Their impressive navigational systems also make it easy for them to return to any place they deem worthy, even if that place is your home. What makes them especially trouble is the fact that they do in swarms, often in or around your home.

One of the more common problematic ants in Canada, the carpenter ant, is capable of causing structural damage to your home. Additionally, the odorous house ant, which seems annoying but harmless, can contaminate your food. Lastly, we have the fire ant, a tiny ant that can pack a painful sting if provoked or feeling cornered.

The House Fly – An Annoying, But Also Dangerous Bug

We all know house flies are one of the most maddening and repulsive pests that make your house their home in springtime. Seemingly coming out of nowhere, your house can quickly go from fly-free to a buzzing hive of house flies that are impossible to trap or deter. If flying around your face and buzzing in your ear wasn’t bad enough, house flies can actually be dangerous. They feed on filth, such as food or animal waste and then land on your surfaces and food, which can spread some very serious diseases.

Earwigs – Dangerous Bug Or Just Plain Gross?

Earwigs are the fuel of children’s nightmares everywhere. Also, the reason no one likes to leave their shoes outside, but are they a dangerous bug? Not to humans but can cause serious harm to your plants as they like to feed on your flowers, vegetables and any other greenery you have. You’re likely to spot earwigs wandering around at night or in damp areas during the day, hence the inside of your shoes making the perfect hiding spot for them.

Quite simply put, their appearance is enough to deter most people from wanting them anywhere near your living space.

Wasps – Likely The Most Dangerous Bug On The List

This one is an easy one to answer. Wasps are not your friends, especially if you happen to be allergic to them. If they perceive you as a threat to them or their hive, even if you’re just innocently standing there, they will attack. Unlike bees, wasps can sting you multiple times, causing serious damage.

On top of that, when a wasp stings you, it doesn’t just hurt a whole bunch, it also releases a hormone telling the rest of their colony that you are the enemy and they should also attack. Want to know what’s worse than one wasp sting? A whole colony of wasp stings.

Spiders – A Dangerous Bug Or A Hideous Helper?

Spiders and their webs may seem quite gross and rather scary – they do have eight legs and many teeny tiny eyeballs after all, but they’re often more helpful than harmful. At least the ones you typically find in your home are. Cellar spiders, daddy-longlegs, wolf spiders, and other common house spiders are harmless to humans. Thanks to the rich diet of insects spiders eat, when they stay hidden and out of the way, can actually help keep the eco system of your home under control and other pests at bay.

The only spiders that you need to seriously watch out for in Canada are two species of venomous spider which can cause serious pain and require medical attention. These spiders are the brown recluse or black widow. Even still, unless you accidentally brush up against them or get caught in a web, these spiders are more likely to flee than bite.

Termites – This Dangerous Bug Is Your Home’s Worst Enemy

Termites are not a threat to you directly, but they are a serious threat to your home, which still feels personal. They’re one of the most common springtime pests in some areas of the world, and probably the most destructive. They can live either in the ground or in your home, feeding on the cellulose found in wood and wood by-products. The National Pest Management Association actually estimates that termites cause a whopping $5 billion in property damage every year. Yikes!

Dangerous Bugs Stand No Change To Terminix Canada

If any of the above dangerous bugs have infiltrated your home, and by extension, your nightmares, then it’s time to call in the pros! Don’t let these pests pester you this spring, Terminix Canada can help rid your home of unwanted intruders for good.

What Makes Ants Great Navigators?

Let’s be honest: we should really be glad that ants are a little lacking in the size department, because there’s just not much else we humans are superior in.

Sure, we’ve done great things throughout history. We’ve built some pretty amazing buildings and established a countless number of civilizations. But ants have done all that, without relying on petty tools and machinery. In fact, they’ve built massive societies and underground megalopolises with their own two… mandibles.

So, it’s not too far-fetched to say that anything we can do, ants can do better. Just look at our existence within a greater perspective, and you’ll start to get it. They’re more coordinated, hardworking, and powerful than us. And to add insult to injury, latest research indicates that they also make better navigators, too.

Ants Have Two Navigational Strategies

Imagine getting to a restaurant you’ve found on Yelp, without the help of Google Maps, or even road signs. Now imagine doing it while going backwards.

It may sound like an impossible feat, but for these insects, it’s a trivial task, both forwards and in rewind.

This is thanks to their incredible ability to separate the direction they’re going from what they’re seeing! Ants can travel far away from their nests and easily find their way back, regardless of whatever obstacle that may come in their path.

But how is that so, you ask? Researchers from the University of Edinburgh asked the same question and sought answers by planting a bunch of barriers around a desert ant nest to create a maze. They made sure the barriers didn’t impede the view of the ants and gave them some time to get used to their surroundings.

The researchers discovered that the ants relied on two navigational strategies to route their way home:

1. Following Their Visual Memories

Here’s the deal: ants change their walking orientation depending on the size of food they have to carry. So, when the these insects encountered the smaller bits of cookie that the researchers laid out on the trail, they walked forward. And when they encountered the larger bits, they dragged them while walking backward.

It turns out that the ants relied on their view and visual cues to navigate back to their nest. For one, the forward-walking ants constantly adjusted their course by analyzing their surrounding scenery, without stopping in-between!

Backward-walking ants, however, did things a little differently. They made occasional stops to rotate around the spot while carrying the food, and hastily corrected their direction based on the visual information that they absorbed.

And if the cookie pieces were too large to lug around, the ants dropped the food altogether, walking a few steps forward, peeking around, and orientating themselves before pulling once more.

Regardless, the way they match their progress against their memories of their visual surroundings shows that their mental capacity is far more complex than we give them credit for. Truly remarkable cognition and planning, which we humans often find ourselves lacking in in the convenience of today’s digital age!

2. Stargazing

However, the researchers weren’t fully convinced that was the only thing these versatile ants relied on to navigate. Based on the way the ants’ visual memories worked, the researchers believed a simple peel forward would not be enough for backward-walking ants to properly navigate.

So get this: the researchers determined that the ants are also capable of navigating using the stars. In other words, they’re able to find their way by referring to the position of the sun in the sky.

The researchers confirmed this by making the ants walk through a funnel, which denied them the visual cues of their surrounding environment.

As they expected, the funnel proved to be incapable of outsmarting the super-bugs. Every time the ants were forced into the funnel, they immediately came back out, looked skyward, and effortlessly re-oriented themselves. They actually noted the location of the sun in the sky to reframe their visual memory of their route!

Ants Are Not To Be Underestimated

While their brains may be less than the size of a pinhead, these insects are way smarter than we give them credit for. They can clear navigational challenges that we humans would have trouble with – much more than we’d like to admit!

So next time you find yourself hopelessly lost in a new city or town, keep calm and just relax. C’mon – if small, insignificant, pip-squeak ants can do it, so can you… right?

No pressure.

Ants are extremely clever pests that also happen to be one of the most common household pests in the world! But fear not – Terminix Canada is here to help. We’ve provided superior pest management services all over Canada for over 90 years!

For more information regarding our pest management and pest control services, or the best ways to prevent ant infestations, bed bugs, and more, call us at 1-888-801-6348!

What Happens To Ants In Winter?

Synonymous with Canadian spring and summertime, everybody is familiar with ants but what happens to ants in winter? When Canada starts experiencing colder weather in autumn and winter, these crawling critters seemingly disappear into the abyss. Just question it yourself for a second. When was the last time you saw a rogue ant or ten in your home or business at this time of year?

The answer is usually very few and we’d forgive you for thinking that ants make like geese and vacation down in Tijuana until Daylight Saving Time ends! Feed your curiosity and carry on reading because this Terminix Canada blog will explain exactly what happens to ants in winter.

Do Ants Hibernate In Winter?

Do ants hibernate in winter? You must be thinking they do considering that ant infested gap in your skirting has gone quiet all of a sudden. Ultimately, ants don’t exactly hibernate at this time of year. However, they do enter a state of dormancy within their colonies once the temperature drops a few degrees. Cold-blooded creatures, ants can go without food but they’ll never survive Canada’s harsh winter without seeking shelter and warmth. That’s why they pitch up inside our homes to extend their lifespan.

Unlike true hibernation, ants will continue their usual activities during a very mild winter. Just because you can’t see ants during winter, this doesn’t mean they’ve completely disappeared. It’s important to note that most Canadian ant species aren’t outright foragers willing to risk their life in plain sight. Therefore, you won’t see the majority of ant species traversing your home in search of food. Instead, they will be prioritizing their newfound shelter and warmth behind the scenes, remaining evasive, out of sight, and ultimately, out of our minds.

This is why it’s so important not to forget the threats that ants pose to your home during winter and thereafter. If an ant colony is located within your home structure itself, they could be doing damage unknowingly as we speak.

What Is Ant Diapause And How Does It Change Ants’ Behaviour?

So we’ve established that ants aren’t true hibernators. However, they will enter a slower metabolic state that is referred to as “diapause”. When the mercury drops on thermometers during winter, this coincides with ants naturally slowing down or ceasing their activities. We’re talking about things like eating, drinking, and laying eggs.

Ants won’t perform any of these activities when cold temperatures arrive, becoming sluggish in nature. Conserving their energy at this time, ants won’t hibernate in the traditional sense but will instead burrow deep into the soil, in areas beneath rocks, and underneath tree bark. Why? Because these are the places where ants can maintain body heat via consistent temperatures. At this time, an ant colony will encircle a queen to defend their population.

What Happens To Ants Come Springtime?

Spring is when ants experience their great awakening. This is why it’s so important to get professional ant control performed on your premises before warmer weather arrives. This will spare you from ants wreaking havoc in your home once they’re ready to start hunting for food again.

You should be aware that once worker ants have discovered a food source in your home, they will return straight back to alert the wider colony about its location. Leaving behind odour trails to memorize the path from nest to food source, these trails are commonly spotted in rooms like kitchens.

Got Carpenter Ants In House? Why Is This The Case This Winter?

As we alluded to earlier in this blog, ants are a species that dislike the cold and love things like damp wood. One of the most commonly discovered home invading ant species, our Terminix Canada teams regularly gets called to treat carpenter ants.

If you have carpenter ants in house, it may well be the case that a satellite colony from outside established a new colony within the warm confines of your home. Think about it for a second. Ants get everything they need in the house with delicious damp wood, food sources, and warmth. It’s practically a vacation resort tailored to their every whim!

It’s important to catch early signs of carpenter ants in the house in order to prevent the full establishment of a satellite colony within your walls, otherwise you could be in for a serious ant problem come springtime. At that point, you’ll be wishing ants did hibernate in the winter!

Best Ways To Get Rid Of Carpenter Ants And Other Species.

In order to successfully control a carpenter ant infestation, or an infestation of another ant species, you can’t simply remove the ants you can see. Instead, you must work with a professional ant pest control company. Terminix Canada removes ant nests, both the satellite and primary nests.

Ultimately, the worker ants belonging to a carpenter ant colony will continue spawning and tunnelling until the queen is eliminated. DIY ant control tactics will only get you so far. Why? Because locating the precise location of every single satellite and primary nest is incredibly difficult.

Therefore, you should contact our professionals at Terminix Canada. Whether you need Toronto pest control, Vancouver pest control or help someplace else, we know what it truly takes to get rid of carpenter ants and other species. Now you know what happens to ants in winter, trust our team. They can protect your home this season and year-round too. Offering 24/7 support, learn more about our residential ant control services in Canada today.