Is sawdust in your home a sign of insects?

For many homeowners, the sight of sawdust piles in their homes can cause a lot of anxiety and bring up fears of detrimental termite damage. However, termites are not the only pest that leaves sawdust-like piles behind. For Canadians, the major culprits are termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees and powder post beetles. To properly treat […]

The Best Ways To Keep Your Deck Safe From Termite Damage

Termites become the biggest issue for many people come summertime. Once the weather warms up, underground termite colonies come out to feed on wood sources that they couldn’t access during the winter, causing termite damage to your deck and other outdoor areas. One of the sections of your home that is most vulnerable to termite […]

Queen Victoria, Ants And Termite Extermination: What Do They Have In Common?

No, our blog title isn’t a spoof – there truly is a link between Queen Victoria, ants and termite extermination. Sure, we don’t take days off to commemorate insect queens like we do for our human monarchs of old. However, there are a number of uncanny similarities between the two! For starters, ants, termites and […]

The Entomological Society Of America Now Classifies Termites As Cockroaches

Most people really hate cockroaches, and who could blame them. Most people also aren’t very fond of termites, but normally that’s the only thing that groups these two pesky pests together. Until now. In the biggest reclassification (not really) since International Astronomical Union (IAU) deemed Pluto wasn’t deserving of a planetary title, termites have now […]

Springtime: The Best Time To Begin Termite Treatment

The skies are staying brighter for longer, the hockey season is in full swing, and you’re inexplicably feeling far less miserable than you did in January – it must be that spring in the air. However, this is also when termite treatment should begin. Unfortunately, that increase in temperature will also come with spring showers. […]

Spring Cleaning – The Best Way To Keep Spring Bugs Out

Spring is a time for renewal, refreshment, and restoration. With lighter evenings and warmer weather, many Canadian homeowners feel rejuvenated to tackle a new project or pick up from where they left off in winter. Take it from Terminix Canada; the best way to channel these inner desires is to take some preventative spring pest […]


Terminix has over 90 years of experience with pest control, making us one of the oldest and most experienced pest control companies in the country.